Dear IBBY Europe colleagues,
Our second IBBY European regional conference, "Languages in Europe. Children reading in a multilingual environment", was held on April 4 2019 at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. The proceedings will be published on the IBBY Europe website by the end of June 2019. Meanwhile, Ann Lazim's report, accompanied with pictures, will give you an idea of its content. You can also download the programme and the speakers' biographies.
The members of the conference's organising committee (Doris Breitmoser, Hasmig Chahinian, Eva Devos, Pam Dix, Sabine Fuchs, Deborah Soria, David Tolin) would like to thank the Bologna Children's Book Fair and IBBY Italy, for their whole-hearted support of this event. A special thank you goes to the speakers, the participants, to David Pintor who designed the perfect poster for the conference, and, of course, to the IBBY secretariat.
In this issue of our newsletter you will find the latest news from the world of children's books and reading in Armenia, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Spain, and Sweden.
Have you visited our website recently? New books have been added and our database has been updated. By the end of June 2019, you will discover our website's new design! Stay posted!
And as always, our Facebook page is full of interesting discoveries to be made!
David Pintor, the faithful supporter of IBBY Europe, designed a new header for this issue of our newsletter: Thank you David! And Liz Page, the executive director of IBBY, proofread our newsletter, as she always does: Thanks, Liz!
Best wishes to you all!
Hasmig Chahinian
Languages in Europe
Children Reading in a Multilingual Environment
IBBY European
Thanks are due to the generosity of the Fair for providing a free room for the day, as well as coffee and lunch for the delegates. The Bologna Children’s Book Fair’s exhibition manager, Elena Pasoli greeted delegates and then gave us a wonderful surprise by handing over the welcome to famous Italian author Roberto Piumini who, taking into account the theme of the conference, spoke about the presence of words for children throughout their lives, allowing them to speak and the importance of giving words back their sounds as well as making them available in books. IBBY President Mingzhou Zhang also gave a warm welcome. He emphasised the significance of regional conferences in moving IBBY’s work forward, commenting that: ‘We are living in a diverse world where understanding, tolerance and cultural co-existence are the only options for a mutually beneficial future for our children – no matter who they are, where they are and what they believe in.’ Mingzhou also referred to ‘the current turbulence in our world, especially the worrying rise of nationalism and populism – our IBBY mission is becoming even more urgent and relevant.’ The scene for the day was set by Christine Hélot from the University of Strasbourg, France, whose talk was entitled ‘From Bi/multilingualism to Bi/multiliteracy – why should children read books in different languages’. She spoke about linguistic diversity being a social justice issue, asserting the right of all children to have access to multilingual education. She posed the question ‘Why is linguistic diversity discursively framed as problematic?’ and emphasised that it should be seen as a resource not a problem. Christine questioned society’s tendency to organise monolingual spaces leading to exclusion of those who speak minority languages. She believes that teachers have agency to change what is happening in their classrooms and that the way school-based literacy devalues home languages needs to be challenged. Christine then outlined the considerable amount of research that has been done on multilingualism, bilingualism, literacy and biliteracy before introducing a range of very interesting bilingual and multilingual texts.
In her talk ‘Brilliant brains: neuroscience evidence for holistic understandings of reading development in multilingual settings’, Carole Bloch from the organisation PRAESA spoke about the prevalence of phonics teaching in South Africa, something Christine Hélot had also touched on in relation to government policy in France. Carole spoke about the importance of context being essential from the start of learning to read rather than decoding without comprehension in literacy programmes that promote part to whole, rather than vice versa. Our hunger for meaningful patterns translates into a hunger for stories. Play is the key learning mechanism for children. There are issues around the status and perceived value of languages. In South Africa many children experience language shock - they have not yet learned to read in their home language and then they are taught in English when they start school. Graphic designer and illustrator Marion Bataille described in words and pictures her universal alphabet project - an exhibition she has created about seeing alphabets differently. She considers that children learning to write have some of the same considerations as graphic designers. Letters should always show how they are built - deconstruction is as important as construction. Marion commented that when you leave your country of birth, an alphabet chart is a bit like a photograph. Then followed the first of three panel sessions. The first focused on experiences.
Writer, illustrator and teacher Amaia Hennebutte, spoke in Basque, which was especially important given the subject matter of the conference and the fact that most of the presentations throughout the day were in the dominant language of English. The normalisation of using Basque language started post Franco 1982-3. Basque children’s literature is still very young and its development and promotion faces many problems, chiefly the lack of co-ordination for political reasons and the lack of autonomy through not having a state. Basque is a minority language and therefore there is a small market – there are 700,000 Basque speakers in Spain and 6,000 in France and the latter is decreasing. However, there is a strong belief that culture is universal despite all the challenges facing Basque children’s literature and solutions are being found to promote children’s & YA literature. Training is being provided for creators. Bilingual books are being published for people who read in the majority language. Literature written only in Basque is being promoted. Technology helps parents who cannot read Basque – a QR code enables access to the majority language. World literature is being made available in Basque through translation. Projects include family book clubs; training for teachers; and depositing collections of 150 books in schools for a month. Librarian Giovanna Malgaroli spoke about the Mamma Lingua project organised through Nati per Leggere (born to read), which promotes literacy in Italy for families with very young babies. Mamma Lingua (Mother Tongue) encourages reading books in one’s own language. The project was created in 2015 with 127 preschool books in a range of languages - Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Romanian and Spanish, which are the most spoken languages in Italy among the migrant communities. Giovanna explained the criteria for choice, which included the idea that the books should be challenging but not frustrating. In addition to books in each language, several Titoli Ponte or Bridge Titles were selected – classic books that are internationally known and therefore can make links between cultures. In 2017 Mamma Lingua became a circulating book exhibition. Two French librarians, Myriam Jeanne and Aïcha Marok, appeared in a short film, explaining the thinking behind the Discovery Bags they have developed containing several books in foreign languages that they loan out to borrowers in the public library where they work – currently they are in Arabic, English, German and Spanish and the bags usually include a variety of different types of texts.
Following lunch we were treated to a lively interactive story session with Leila Garsi, Enrica Menarbin and Antonella Saracino who gave us a flavour of the work they do with children in the Salaborsa Ragazzi library in Bologna, which has books in 94 languages. They demonstrated trilingual storytelling in Italian, Arabic and English and then invited participation so that other languages were added – Armenian, Swiss German, Irish and Flemish. The first speaker in a panel on publishing and distribution was Amna Al Mazmi from the Kalimat Foundation for Children’s Empowerment in the United Arab Emirates. In 2017 they established a scheme that would pledge a library at each Sharjah Book Fair. Each portable library pledged includes 100 titles in Arabic. Pledgers are asked where they want the libraries to go. In Italy eleven portable libraries including bilingual books have been funded so far. Pam Dix spoke on behalf of Mishti Chatterji, the UK publisher at Mantra Lingua, who for some years has been publishing e-books as well as dual-language printed books. An innovative development is the Talking Pen, which enables access to a wide range of languages as it is possible to use it to record languages that are not already loaded onto the device. Pam demonstrated how the Pen works with sheets of languages and phrases and with books. Another aspect of the development of the Talking Pen is that it has been used with visually impaired children thanks to active cooperation with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).
Sabine Fuchs from the University College of Teacher Education in Graz/Styria showed some of the multilingual books that have been published in Austria. She focused on Kommt ein Boot a poem by Heinz Janisch in 11 languages, with words from a variety of other languages incorporated, and illustrated by 11 different artists. Silvija Tretjakova spoke about reading promotion in Latvia, which is inspired by Daniel Pennac’s Comme un roman (English edition titled The Rights of the Reader). She talked about libraries in Latvia itself and also services provided to the Latvian diaspora, mainly in Europe, and about their campaign to involve fathers more in reading with their children. The final panel focused on resources. Eva Devos from IBBY Belgium/Flemish Reading Association talked about information sources available to find out about books existing in many languages, including the IBBY Honour List, the White Ravens list produced by the International Youth Library, the IBBY Europe database of books in languages spoken in Europe, including languages spoken by refugees. IBBY France and the International Youth Library have jointly produced a list of available books in Arabic. Barbara Jakob from the Swiss Institute for Children’s and Youth Media introduced an online database that gives access to rhymes in German, French, Italian, and English. The passing down of rhymes is not so prevalent now due partly to migration and generations of families living far apart, hence the need to collect and disseminate them. Presently there are over 1,100 rhymes in 20 languages on the database. Denis Beznosov from the Russian State Children’s Library spoke about a major project to compile The Anthology of the Contemporary Children’s Literature of the Peoples of Russia, which includes 870 works and shows the ethno-cultural diversity of Russia. After an enormously informative and inspiring day, delegates left with much to think about and many ideas to consider putting into practice. Ann Lazim, IBBY UK |
Echoes from the European sections
From Belgium |
Encounter between the Belgian candidates for the 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award: This year, Flanders was the guest of Honour at the Brussels Book Fair. For this event, in collaboration with the Flemish Branch of IBBY Belgium, the French Branch of IBBY Belgium organised an encounter between the two Belgian candidates for the 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award: Anne Brouillard, the illustrator candidate selected by the French Branch and Bart Moeyaert, the author candidate selected by the Flemish Branch.
In October 2018, Tegenwording heet iedereen sorry (Everybody is sorry nowadays) was published. It is the first book for younger readers from Bart Moeyaert since De melkweg (The milky way) was published in 2011. Although the book was seven long years in the waiting, it is a huge success with three re-prints in four months. Meanwhile, Bart Moeyaert is a very busy man. He was named artistic director for the 2016 Frankfurt Book Fair when Flanders and the Netherlands were guests of Honour. This resulted in three years of intense activity, but during those years his desire to write, not for young people, but about a young person, became greater and greater. As he says, “When I’m writing the story of Bianca, I’m Bianca”. This encounter was a special moment with two exceptional artists. IBBY Belgium is very proud to nominate them for the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2020. Anne Brouillard was nominated in 2002, and Bart Moeyaert was nominated in 2002, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016 and was finalist in 2002 and 2012. |
The Libbylit Awards Every year since 2005, the French Branch of IBBY Belgium has given the Libbylit Awards to authors and illustrators who have published excellent books the year before.
The Awards, a chocolate copy of the statue Manneken Pis – the famous urinating boy from Brussels, was presented to the laureates at the Brussels’ Book Fair on 12 March 2019 by Luc Battieuw, president of the Picture Book Jury and Robert Schmidt, president of the Novel Jury and president of French Branch of IBBY Belgium. |
From Denmark |
On 18 January 2019 the section held a one-day seminar for professionals, such as teachers, librarians, writers, illustrators, scholars, etc. on the Status of Children Literature. On 21 November 2018, IBBY Denmark held a meeting on the theme Horror I børnehøjde (Horror in children height) with children’s writers Morten Dürr and Bjarke Skjodt Larsen, and the specialist in children’s use of media Anne Mette Thorhauge. The journal Klods Hans, named after H.C. Andersen’s tale Clumsy Hans, is issued four times a year. The February issue included an informative and entertaining article in Danish about Shit in Children Literature. |
From Latvia |
The Word and Picture
Traditionally, every spring IBBY Latvia with the Children’s Literature Centre of National Library of Latvia organize a conference for specialists in children’s literature and librarians, where the participants evaluate the books for children and young adults published in Latvia in the previous year. They also discuss various experience gained from reading promotion projects, as well as look into other interesting topics. The 2019 conference took place on April 9 in the National Library of Latvia and its theme “The Word and Picture” reveals both key words. The first part of the conference was devoted to three reviews of the children’s and young adults’ books published in 2018. The culture-related journalist Liega Piešiņa gave an overview on “Latvian Children’s and Youth Literature in 2018”, in which she evaluated some 70 original Latvian books. Aiga Dzalbe, a docent at Art Academy of Latvia, in her report “On latest developments in the illustration of Latvian children’s books” assessed the successes and failures of 2018 in the field of illustrations. This was followed by the presentation “Patches and jewellery: translated children’s and young adults’ books in 2018” by Sandra Okuņeva, a lecturer at University of Liepāja. She reviewed some 200 translated books that were published in Latvia and highlighted the best (“jewellery”) and discussed how the translated literature compensated what the original literature lacked (“patches”).
The report by Karina Pētersone, the director of the Latvian National Library Foundation “Book Start – may smart readers thrive in libraries!” encouraged librarians think about the possibilities of expanding the project “Book Start”. Aiga Grēniņa, the chief librarian of the Children’s Literature Centre of National Library of Latvia, in her report “A picture book: notice, feel, listen, ‘read’ and read through!” urged the participants to think about the psychological mechanism of a young child’s interaction and acquaintance with the book, and to be aware of the importance of the effect that all senses have during the acquisition of literacy.
We were happy to greet our guest from Sweden – writer Jujja Wieslander, the author of the book series about a cow Mamma Mu, which is beloved by Latvian readers. The second part of the conference started with her summarizing of the experience “Play as the child’s story”. This presentation made the participants reflect on the creativity and stories that are around us in our everyday life. Four reports on reading promotion projects followed. Alīse Nīgale, the head of the publishing house Liels un Mazs, told about a very successful international project (Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, and Latvia) “Our little library” through which six books and several workbooks have been published in Latvia. More than 8,000 children have read them and performed the tasks with great interest. It was also useful to hear the story of Līga Fiļipova, the head of one of the participating groups for this project from the Madona Children and Young Adults’ Library about the positive results of the project in her town. Egita Puķīte presented the project “The reading relay” from the publishing house Zvaigzne ABC, and at the end of the conference the participants were fascinated by the story of the librarian Diāna Legzdiņa from the Rīga International School who shared her reading promotion experience in the presentation “The joy of reading in the school library”. |
From Germany |
2019 German Children’s Literature Award (Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis) ![]() Since 1956 the German Children’s Literature Award has been given annually to outstanding works of children’s and young adult literature. Since it was established, the award has been international: books that have been translated from other languages are just as eligible as German books. The list of nominations for the 2019 German Children’s Literature Awards is published at |
2019 Kranichstein Grants for Young Adult Literature (Kranichsteiner Jugendliteratur-Stipendien) The Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur/IBBY Germany and the Deutscher Literaturfonds (German Literature Fund) annually offer grants to two new authors of young adult fiction in German. For more information see |
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Stefanie Höfler and Bettina Wilpert receive the 2019 Kranichstein Grants. © Mathias Knoch/AKJ |
From Lithuania |
Books Help Us to Slow Down
For a second year in a row IBBY Lithuania participated in the International Vilnius Book Fair, the biggest book event in the Baltic region, and is held every February. The Fair, attracting thousands of book lovers, hosts nearly 500 events, which include book presentations, author meetings, discussions, etc. IBBY Lithuania took the opportunity to talk about its role in sponsoring the poster and invitation for International Children’s Book Day, also about the importance of the day and the traditions associated with its celebration. |
From Armenia |
Yerevan 15th Children's Book Fair From 18 to 21 February 2018 the National Children's Library and IBBY Armenia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and in cooperation with “Arevik” publishing house and the ArtBridge bookstore, organized the 15th Yerevan Annual Children's Book Fair. During the event a number of activities were held, such as flash mobs with the theme ‘reading’, individual and group meetings, discussions, cartoon shows, excursions, listening to music, and family readings, as well as a joyful programme for children – the aqua grim show with images from Tumanyan’s fairy tales and a soap-bubble show for little readers. The other exciting part of the fair was the Gift to a Soldier book donation campaign during which the people visiting the fair donated books for the soldiers in the border zone.
One of the major activities of the Yerevan 15th Children's Book Fair include the "Fairy Tale Ambassadors" (storytelling by ambassadors accredited to RA), during which the Ambassador of Japan to Armenia Mr. Jun Yamada, Mr. Seyyed Mohammad Reza Heydari the advisor to the cultural centre of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Alex Bortola the advisor for culture and cooperation affairs of the French Embassy in Armenia, and the consul of UAE to Armenia Mrs. Alham Rashed Al Salami, read stories in their mother tongue to the children visiting the fair and interacted with them. |
![]() IBBY Armenia at Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019 The Armenian Section of IBBY attended the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019 and presented several of its published books at the stand of the Ministry of Culture of Armenia. Books by the Armenian author nominee for the 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award, Mrs. Nouneh Sarkissian were also presented at the stand. Members of IBBY Armenia attended the IBBY Press Conference on Monday, 1 April and the 2nd IBBY European Regional Conference, which took place on Thursday, 4 April 2019 at the Fair. The theme of the Conference was Languages in Europe: children reading in a multilingual environment and within this framework IBBY Armenia secured several oral agreements to create bilingual books in cooperation with participants at the Conference. |
From France |
IBBY France has chosen its candidates for the 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award. The votes of our members have nominated Marie-Aude Murail for writing and François Roca for illustration. Good luck to both of them! |
The Centre for Research and Information on Children’s Literature (CRILJ) organised a two-day seminar (February 8-9) on “Poverty at work in children’s literature”. The event was held at the Marguerite Duras public library in Paris. IBBY France was represented during this seminar by Hasmig Chahinian, who took part in a panel titled “Round table with three organisations supporting books and reading among children and young adults”. Hasmig presented the work of IBBY in general, and then focused on the activities of IBBY Europe and IBBY France. She also presented the project of IBBY’s library in Lampedusa. The other organisations taking part in this panel were ATD quart monde and Secours populaire. The proceedings of this conference will be published soon. Illustration by Gilles Rapaport |
At the invitation of the International Youth Library, Hasmig Chahinian (BnF / IBBY France) participated in the White Ravens Panel on Children’s literature in the Arab world at the Bologna children’s Book Fair 2019 with Jochen Weber, Head of the IYL’s language sections. The event took place on Tuesday, April 2, at the Authors Café. New trends, illustration, topics covered by books published in the Arab world, translations into European languages as well as questions related to the current status of Arab literature were addressed during this panel.
From Greece |
![]() The day 9 February has officially been declared International Greek Language Day and coincides with the commemoration day of Dionysios Solomos – the national poet of Greece. |
The Greek Section of IBBY translated the 2019 ICBD message into Greek and urged organizations and institutions involved in children and young people’s literature to contribute to the 2019 ICBD celebration. Loty Petrovits-Andrutsopulou – Honorary President of the Greek Section of IBBY and Honorary Member of IBBY International – translated the message into Greek while the poster was printed in Greek and distributed by Patakis Publishers.
Members of the Greek Section of IBBY attended the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019. The 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award Greek nominees – author Maria Papayanni and artist Iris Samartzi – were presented at the national stand of Greece in cooperation with the Hellenic Foundation for Culture and a special party was held to introduce the Greek nominees to the public. Members of the IBBY Greece Administrative Board also attended the 2nd IBBY Europe Regional Meeting under the theme “Languages in Europe – Children reading in a multilingual environment”. |
From Spain | |||||||
To download the pdf: |
From Spain |
Despite the effects of the current crisis, the Catalan publishing group maintains Barcelona as one of the editorial epicentres in Southern Europe. The number of houses is still growing, with new publishers, Editorial Nanit, Liana Editorial and L’altra tribu, recently established. Existing publishing houses are celebrating various anniversaries such, as 95 years of Editorial Juventud, 30 years of Combel publishing house, and the Ediciones Ekaré turning 40.
From Spain Galician branch |
The new catalogue of Galician Books for Children’s and Young People’s published during 2019 is now available. You can find out more information about Galician literature and check all the information, covers and details of the 2019 selection by downloading our catalogue using the following link: "GALICIAN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN’S AND YOUNG PEOPLE’S OF 2019"
The City Council of Pontevedra in collaboration with GÁLIX (Galician Association of Children’s and Young People’s Literature) convened the 2nd International Illustration Contest in order to choose the poster image of the 20th International Book Fair for Children and Young People of Pontevedra. |
The 2018 Lazarillo’s prize is awarded a book written in Galician. On this occasion, the winning book, in the form of literary creation, was a work by Andrea Maceiras. In 1990, since the book Contos por palabras (Stories for Word’s) by Agustín Fernández Paz won the award, 11 prizes and 4 second prizes for Galician children’s and young people’s literature have been awarded. |
From Sweden |
In 2015 Marlen initiated Läsa för integration, LFI (Reading for Integration) at the Assyrian Cultural Association in Södertälje - a project focusing on children's and young people's language development, where all languages are equally important. The LFI method lets children experience the joy of language and reading, using reading aloud and participation from children, together with their families. Different art forms, such as theatre, storytelling, singing, drawing and creative writing, reinforce each other but literature is always at the centre. The Gulliver prize was announced and awarded at IBBY Sweden's annual meeting on March 4, 2019, where we also had the pleasure of listening to the laureate, who spoke vividly and inspiringly about her tireless and consistent work to promote literacy and make literature available to children. |
From Russia | |||||||
All-Russian campaign «Give books with love!» - 2019 This year, between February 11 and 17, a campaign called Give books with love! took place across Russia. This marathon-like campaign was initiated in 2017 by The Association of cultural workers, artists and educators for children’s reading Raising Readers (or simply The Association Raising Readers) as an annual network project within the framework of the International Book-Giving Day celebration with the aim of encouraging more people in Russia to become involved in this global celebration. The campaign unites state, public, and creative organizations, institutions, collectives and individuals working in the sphere of culture, art, education, book publishing, etc. in the interests of promoting children’s literary and artistic education. Our goal is to make Give books with love! an annual event that will revive the tradition of book giving and spark young peoples’ interest in reading. Before the start of the campaign we held a press conference with the biggest Russian news agency TASS and included noted cultural workers and artists as speakers.
In addition to the existing official Book-Giving Day 2019 poster, artist Elizaveta Kazinskaya designed the official Russian campaign poster and promotional materials (pins, pens, bookmarks, balloons). In the bookstores supporting the campaign Give books with love! the poster and other promotional materials were placed in a designated section of the store with a display stand of books that were sold at a special campaign price. Customers could then buy any book and put it in one of the special boxes, which were sent as a gift to the children’s hospitals, orphanages, hospices, charity funds and needy libraries in small villages in the distant corners of the country at the end of the campaign. The Russian State Children’s Library and many other libraries joined in the campaign this way. Furthermore, book exchanges, meetings with children's writers, illustrators and cultural ambassadors, contests, quizzes, workshops and much more were organized at the campaign venues. The campaign turned out to be amazingly successful. For example, the oldest publishing house “Detskaya Literatura” collected 410 new and beautiful books that we sent to a village library in Volgograd district, and a well-known Moscow Book House store collected 1,200 books that were equally divided between four village libraries in Voronezh district. The overall picture was very impressive: nearly 96,000 books were distributed to organizations in need. We are very glad how successfully our campaign promoted the holiday, and gained wide popularity and publicity in most of the Russian regions. |
Russian Delegation in Bologna As part of the advanced training programme “International cooperation in promoting children's literature”, the directors and other specialists of Russian children's libraries from 10 Russian cities in different regions, from Kaliningrad to Syktyvkar, visited the libraries of Bologna, Verona and Florence. They also joined the Russian delegation in exploring the international children’s literature market at the 2019 Bologna Children’s Book Fair. They visited the amazing ancient buildings of the libraries that manage, not only to preserve the written cultural heritage of Italy with dignity, but keep abreast of the times; the marvellous collections of rare and antique books, and, of course, the stunning work being done in reading promotion among all age groups for children regardless of their nationality and gender – all made a great impression on our delegation and inspired us to imagine new projects and forms of work. A member of Russian delegation at BCBF, Denis Beznosov, presented The Anthology of the Contemporary Children’s Literature of the Peoples of Russia within the framework of the 2nd IBBY European Regional Conference: Languages in Europe: children reading in a multilingual environment. For the last 5 years, Denis has been contributing to the work of the Russian State Children's Library (RSCL) as a Head of the Cultural Programme Department. He is also a guest editor at the United Humanitarian Publishers (ОГИ), which is the publishing house in charge of the publication of a series of anthologies that presents works written in the national languages of Russian Federation after 1990. The series was a part of the Programme for the Support of National Literatures of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. The Anthology of Contemporary Children's Literature of the Peoples of Russia is the second volume in the series, the first was a volume of poetry. Besides the Russian language, there are about 100 national written languages, 59 of which are literary ones and this Anthology consists of works in 55 languages. It is a unique project and deserves to get more attention among specialists, domestic as well as foreign. Thus, Denis as a person regularly working in collaboration with the United Humanitarian Publishers, presented the working process on this Anthology and discussed the process of collecting stories from our big multinational country, about getting in touch with authors and setting up a network for a further work with literary communities across the whole Russia. |
Exhibition of Russian Illustrators in Gdansk (Poland).
In the Exhibition Hall of the Russian Centre we presented the work of three generations of Russian children’s book illustrators. The unique palette of each artist fitted naturally into the bright canvas of the exhibition, while simultaneously demonstrating the diversity and creative individuality of each one of the 30 illustrators featured.
The name H.C. Andersen was known to Russian readers from the end of the 1830s, but initially it was only through translation from French or German versions. The first translation, made directly from the original Danish was by Anna and Peter Ganse, and was published in 1894 in the form of the complete work of the author in four volumes. This translation is still considered the best one in Russia. |
Irina Tokmakova’s 90th Anniversary
Irina Tokmakova (1929 - 2018) was a Russian poetess, author of fairy tales, playwright, translator, a Laureate of the State Prize in Literature (2003) and a Laureate of RF Government Prize in education (2008), as well as a Laureate of several other state and public prizes in the field of literature. She was not just a classic figure of Russian children’s literature, but also an active public figure and a long-time member of IBBY. The evening was presented to show the hero from different angles – as a novelist and poet, as a friend and mentor, as a public figure and an interpreter and translator. Irina Tokmakova was remembered with warmth and kindness, she was a surprisingly interesting and bright person. Many of those present did not know that she grew up in a bilingual family and spoke Armenian. One of the particularly interesting parts was a video with her last interview that included her memories of childhood and adolescence, as well as Angela Lebedeva talking about the work of Irina Tokmakova as part of IBBY and her many working trips. We express our sincere gratitude to the Bookbird editorial stuff and to Liz Page, the Executive Director of IBBY, for publishing a memorial article about Irina Petrovna in vol. 56, No.3 (2018). (Natalya Budur, philologist, translator, member of IBBY since 2003, close family friend). |
Sergei Mikhalkov Library in Severomorsk On International Children's Book Day – 2 April 2019 – the solemn ceremony of assigning the name of the classic of Russian children's literature and a founder/president of 40 years of the Russian National Section of the IBBY, Sergei Mikhalkov to the Central Children's Library of Severomorsk, in the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation, took place. Thus, the library in Severomorsk entered the Commonwealth of Libraries bearing the name of our famous children's writer. These libraries exist both in different regions of Russia and abroad – in Poland, Slovakia, Ireland... |
L'Europe, quelle histoire ! [Europe, what a story] How can we apprehend a geographical space so vast marked by the singularity of each literature, by the diversity of each country's relation to culture, to reading? We have chosen to meet the players who cross borders and help build a common identity, without always achieving it. Nine encounters to discover the Europe of children, Europe of languages and translators, of illustrators, authors, publishers, printers, librarians, booksellers, storytellers... Contrasting images, positive exchanges, sometimes conflicting interests, more or less happy perspectives, always exciting encounters that give a space to the multiple voices of those who make books in Europe. Flip through the first pages of the publication. L'Europe, quelle histoire ! [Europe, what a story]– "La Revue des livres pour enfants" n°306, April 2019, BnF/IBBY France. In French. 12,50 €. |
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Bookbird. Issue 57.1, 2019 This is the first issue under the editorship of Janelle Mathis and Petros Panaou, both based in the USA. Articles in this issue address the theme of agency, voice an identity – all important and timely themes. The powerful keynote speech Before They Give the Order given by Deborah Ellis at the 2018 IBBY Congress in Athens opens the issue. Ellis argues that the ‘after’ is well documented and we see the results, so we really need to understand the ‘before’ – fascinating reading. Kelly K. Wissman embraces the power of picture books as a way to cultivate social imagination. Melanie Duckworth reflects the issue’s themes when discussing the series Our Australian Girl, in her piece A Girl Like me in Times Gone By. The final featured article is by Sarani Ray where she discusses the fairy tale collection of Colonial Bengal. The section Authors and Their Books includes an interview with Egyptian author Hadil Ghoneim by Yasmine Motawy, and an exploration of highly-acclaimed Indian children’s author Ruskin Bond by Monali Chatterjee. In the Letters column Manuela Salvi writes about Globalization and Italian Children’s Publishing. The regular columns Focus IBBY, Books on Books and the ever-popular Postcards, complete this thought-provoking inaugural issue by Janelle and Petros. |
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Bookbird. Issue 57.2, 2019 This issue of Bookbird asks us to think about slowing down, reading and asking provocative questions. The writers in this issue ask these questions. Kathy Short asks about the dangers of reading globally – provocative for sure – she asks us to think about the social responsibility of bookmakers, readers and educators when this responsibility is taken lightly. Perry Nodelman’s keynote speech from the 36th IBBY Congress in Athens last year, asks whether picture books that feature anthropomorphic animals encourage to ignore the “otherness”, might they shape how children think about different kinds of people? Ann Alston asks about the portrayal of female genital mutilation in children’s literature. Vassiliki Vassiloudi asks about the promotion by international and local relief organizations of children’s and young adults’ narratives as refugees. Other articles explore what it currently means to write about sexual assault, the rape culture, and violence against women and girls. The 2018 IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award Winner has provocative questions about how blind children read the world, and how this is changing. And finally how Kamishibi can shock and alienate certain audiences. Regular features include Focus IBBY, Letters, Books on Books, and the Postcard reviews. If you are not already a subscriber, details are on IBBY's website. Follow us on Facebook! |
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