Dear colleagues from the European sections of IBBY,
First of all, we would like to thank all our collaborators for their contributions to this November issue of the European Newsletter. We are pleased to report that on 24 August during the 33rd IBBY World Congress in London, the members of the European IBBY sections met during the Open Forum for a regional meeting. Twenty-six representatives were present and it was a marvellous opportunity to meet in person, discuss matters of common interest, share ideas and plan new projects. All in all, it was a great experience and useful professional event.
Although Wally de Doncker has finished his term on the IBBY Executive Committee, he continues to be IBBY's liaison with the European Union: thank you Wally! More thanks must go to Wally for his enthusiastic work on this newsletter.
We continue our column "3 questions to…" by inviting you to meet Deborah Soria from IBBY Italy, where we learn about an exciting new project to bring books to the migrant children in Lampedusa. Who would you like to hear from next? Please send suggestions to Angela or Hasmig.
In this newsletter we share with you news about the UK/Chinese illustrators' seminar; about the activities of IBBY in Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Turkey; and news of forthcoming events taking place in Europe, and of the latest issues of Bookbird. So much is happening in your region! The next newsletter is due in April 2013; please send us your contributions by March 2013.
Don't forget to keep posting on the IBBY Europe Facebook page.
Many thanks to David Pintor for another beautiful header, and to Liz Page for proofreading!
With all best wishes for a successful IBBY winter and start to 2013,
Angela Lebedeva and Hasmig Chahinian
Here are a few links to videos shot during the Congress:
IBBY Congress 2012 - Shaun Tan's speech
IBBY Congress 2012 - Michael Morpurgo singing
IBBY Congress 2012 - Acceptance speech of Peter Sis
IBBY Congress 2012 - Acceptance speech of Maria Teresa Andruetto
3 questions to... Deborah Soria
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In this column we address 3 questions to a member of a European Section of IBBY. In this issue, meet Deborah Soria, from IBBY Italy! Do you have a name to suggest for the next issue? Send us a mail! |
1. During the IBBY Congress in London, you presented the "Silent books project: from the world to Lampadusa and back". Can you tell us about it? This project was created thinking of the many migrant children that pass through our country, crossing the sea from the north of africa. We wanted to build a library for them and for every child that needs to cross a boundary and reach out to the world. Lampedusa is a small island in the middle of the mediterranean sea, it needs the attention of every one that believes books can change people's futures because it has never had a library. Children of Lampedusa cannot have the help of books to grow up, and they are exposed to big problems. That is why I think IBBY is the perfect place for this project. We are asking every section to send the best Silent books (books with no text) they can find in their country, to build up a new library where, it doesn't matter where you come from, or what your language is, you will find a story to tell you you are safe, for a while. |
A view of the beach in Lampadusa. © Deborah Soria |
We also would like to build a collection, for studies and research, in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, for students to work on books without words. As well as a travelling exhibition for countries to learn what the best look like and start from there, and make more Silent books. A detailed presentation of the project can be found here. |
Lampadusa. © Deborah Soria |
2. IBBY Italy has many ongoing projects. Which one is your favourite?
I don't really have a favourite project, I think my favourite IBBY "thing" is this passion you can feel in everyone, this trust we have in the future, and in the help a book can give. I like IBBY people, they strongly believe in what they do, and that is a rare quality in our days.
3. What is your favourite spot in Rome, the one you would recommend all our readers to go to?
Well, Rome is a magical town, it's not about all the ancient "stones" it's about the light. You fall in love at once and forever when you realize how intense and different the light is in Rome. Even people, like me, who have lived here all their life, cannot understand how it can be so beautiful.
So I recommend to take a very slow walk across the city center, following the river, without looking at your guide book, just gazing at the light!
Echoes from the European sections
IBBY at the Frankfurt book fair
Frankfurt Book Fair 2012 October 10 to 14 saw the annual Frankfurt Book Fair take place. IBBY International was once a guest of the Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur – IBBY Germany at their stand in hall 3.0. The visitors to the stand are numerous and often it becomes a meeting place for IBBY members from around the world. Coming so soon after the IBBY congress in London, happy memories were exchanged with participants. The big event for IBBY Germany is always the announcement and presentation of the Deutsche Jugendliteraturpreis. The Friday evening event has grown and grown over the past few years and now the number of guests is well over 1,000 and the auditorium was full. 2012 also saw a very special IBBY event take place. On Friday morning a special podium took place to discuss the Hans Christian Andersen Awards. Miriam Gabriela Möllers (Germany) introduced the panel which comprised Junko Yokota (USA), Wally de Doncker (Belgium), David Almond (UK) and Roger Mello (Brazil). This illustrious panel talked about IBBY and the Andersen award and the continuing significance of them. This year there was evidence of the boom in ebooks for children with many more stands devoted to this new medium. A video of the panel is available on youtube. |
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Junko Yokota, Wally de Doncker, Miriam Gabriela Möllers, David Almond and Roger Mello. © |
From Turkey
Symposium on Aytul Akal, a Turkish Author of Children's Books
Children's Books to Celebrate 4th Centennial of Turkish-Dutch Relations
2012 being the 4th Centennial of Turkish – Dutch relations, two bilingual children's books were prepared in Turkey with the financial support of the Turkish Government. These story books, one for 6+ age group and the other for 8+ were to be distributed to children in Turkey and in the Netherlands.
In the course of this project, IBBY National Sections of Turkey and The Netherlands co-operated and 300 of the new books were sent to Leiden from Ankara to be distributed in schools at the Amsterdam area.
Furthermore, Dutch children's books will be displayed during the annual Istanbul Book Fair in November because the Guest Country of this year's Fair is the Netherlands.
From Ukraine
The Third International Symposium "Literature. Children. Time"
The Third International Symposium "Literature. Children. Time" was held from May 23 till May 25, 2012 in the town of Zhovkva, in the Lviv region of Ukraine. Organized by the non-profit organizations The Ukrainian Research Center for Children's and Young Adult Literature and The Foundation for Socio-cultural Development, the Symposium focused on the theme of "Literature for Children and Youth and the New Social Reality," which centered on various interpretations of major trends for the future development of Ukrainian literature for children and young adults and the transition to meet new societal changes.
The Committee members Uliana Hnidets, Marianna Kiyanovska, and Marjana Savka organized a number of concurrent sessions and round tables that brought together scholars, librarians, educators, authors, and parents from different parts of Ukraine. The discussants reviewed the major criteria of children's literature and its theoretical perspectives; singled out changes in contemporary literary topics and the interconnections of children's books with the Internet; highlighted the modes of digital literacy; and stressed the process of the development of children's readership and literacy for modernity.
"Besides its theoretical component, the Symposium became an umbrella for awarding a literary prize "The Great Hedgehog," which became the first independently financed Ukrainian literary award for an author of a book for children or young adults in Ukraine. On May 25, the Head of the prize committee, Marianna Kiyanovska, announced the winner. Valentyn Berdt, a writer of teen fiction, was awarded "The Great Hedgehog" for his book My Friend Yurko Tsyrkul and Others. The prize was 1000 €.
"The Great Hedgehog" aims to focus the attention of all Ukrainians on literature for children and young adults and to ensure commercial success for books that promote a humanistic system of values that are traditional for Ukrainian literature. The Committee members believe that ensuring the popularity of a high-quality literature for children and young adults will motivate children to read.
The Committee also selected nine finalists among books for children and young adults:
In the poetry category:
In the children's books and young adult books category:
Ukraine received a diploma in the "The Art of Books" International Contest
The Grani-T Ukrainian publishing house was awarded a third-grade diploma in the nomination category of "A Book for Children and Young Adults" for the book Salty and Chef Tara-pata, written by co-authors Oksana Lushchevska and Lana Svitankova at the International competition "The Art of Books," which was held in Astana, Kazakhstan.
An Award for Presentation of Historical Themes
On June 1 Volodymyr Rutkivsky, a prominent award-winning Ukrainian writer of historical fiction for children and young adults, and a laureate of the Shevchenko National Literature Award, created the first private literary award "Dzhury" for authors, illustrators, and researchers, who represent historical and national themes in their writings, art, or research.
From Russia
IBBY Russia at the Moscow International Book Fair
5-11, September, 2012 IBBY Russia jointly with its Saint-Petersburg branch traditionally took part in the Moscow International Book Fair (MIBF), the largest book forum in Russia. There were more than 1450 exhibitors from 45 countries of the world. The honourable guest of this jubilee 25th MIBF was France, the country with brilliant literary traditions. The main exhibitor of this Fair was Armenia. Its capital, Yerevan, was announced by UNESCO the World Book's capital – 2012. Byelorussia, Germany, Italy, Norway, Israel and many others countries participated in the international programme of the Fair.
At IBBY Russia's stand were the books of the laureates of the 1st and 2nd Competition named after Sergey Mihalkov for the best literary works for adolescents, which was established by Russian Cultural Foundation and IBBY Russia in 2007 ( Lately this contest was transformed to the large project with the slogan "Children – today, the people – tomorrow" . Within this project during last year children's libraries named after Sergey Mihalkov opened in Magnitogorsk, Kaliningrad (Russia), Tskhinvali (South Ossetia), and Bilgoraj (Poland).
The fifth solemn ceremony of “The Image of a Book” the All-Russian Contest of Book Illustrations took place in the frames of MIBF. We are proud to announce that at this ceremony IBBY Russia President, Honoured Artist of Russia, Victor Chizhikov was awarded by the Jury a special diploma –“For outstanding contribution to the art of book’s illustration and faithfulness to the aesthetic principles”.
As we all know, the participation and work at book fairs is always a great experience fornew meetings, professional contacts, new ideas, plans and projects. At this Moscow Fair among visitors to the IBBY Russia stand were writers and illustrators, publishers and librarians, editors and other specialists from Russia and abroad. Most of them were not only looking with great interest at the IBBY Honour List – 2012, but examined them with the words of thanks for the opportunity to see so many beautiful books from all over the world.
From Germany
Translator's Workshop Kein Kinderspiel! – No Child's Play!
16th to 21st September 2012 in Hamburg
This summer the Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur (IBBY Germany) with financial sponsor the Robert Bosch Foundation, organized for the third time a workshop focusing on translation of literature for young readers and the role of the translator. Regina Pantos, former president of IBBY Germany, conducted the workshop.
This workshop offer is a unique event as there are no comparable workshops for translators of children's books. For the three workshops IBBY Germany received 230 applications from all over the world, which shows that this kind of support and exchange is much needed by professional translators.
Translating literature for young readers requires special abilities and deserves high recognition. But quite often translators are not mentioned at all in the work they have translated. Yet they are mediators who open up the world of international literature to our children at an early age. Kein Kinderspiel! is a workshop for translators of German-language literature for young readers. Its purpose is to enable 15 translators from different countries who translate children's and youth literature from German into their native languages to gather for a one-week, all-expenses-paid workshop. There, supported by German translator Tobias Scheffel, they focused on such issues as youth jargon, comedy and irony, cultural and political taboos and the ethical responsibility of the translator.
Dr. Maja Pflüger from the Robert Bosch Stiftung (2nd from left), Regina Pantos (7th from left)
and translator Tobias Scheffel (5th from right) together with participants of Kein Kinderspiel! 2012. © AKJ
Coming from a wide range of nationalities – this summer participants were from Brazil, Egypt, France, Georgia, Greece, India, Iran, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Spain, Russia and Taiwan. During the workshop participants discussed these topics from their very diverse perspectives. Parallel to the main programme, the translators were offered readings by the German authors Isabel Abedi and Andreas Steinhöfel, conversations with publishers and booksellers, visits to illustrators and they also met with the group of young readers who were former members of the young adult jury of the German Children's Literature Award. In a series of lectures the participants received information on trends of the German book market and on current book reviewing in literary journals and on the Internet.
Information about the current conditions for translators of children's and youth literature in Germany and opportunities for financial subsidies completed the programme. The workshop will be offered again in August 2013, information will be available in March 2013 at The application deadline is May 2nd, 2013.
The German Children's Literature Award 2012 On October 12th, 2012 the State secretary Lutz Stroppe, Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, announced the prize winners of the German Children's Literature Award 2012 to an audience of 1,200 guests at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The Award is the only state-sponsored prize for fiction in Germany and has been awarded since 1956 and is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The Jury of Adult Critics awarded the following books: |
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Special Award Winner for Illustration Norman Junge
giving his |
The Young Adult Jury honoured Sieben Minuten nach Mitternacht (A Monster Calls) by Patrick Ness, illustrated by Jim Kay, translated from English by Bettina Abarbanell. For more information visit: |
Apart from the award ceremony the Arbeitskreis für Jugendliteratur (AKJ, German IBBY section) hosted a number of other events at the Frankfurt Book Fair. During the book fair the AKJ presented all nominated books for the German’s Children’s Literature Award at its booth, which is also the representation for IBBY at the book fair. All nominees were invited to a reception before the ceremony and the winners joined Susanne Helene Becker, chair of the Jury of Adult Critics, for a talk at the Lesezelt (reading tent) on Saturday morning. Afterwards the winner of the children’s books category, Finn-Ole Heinrich, presented his book at the Azubistro, a special stage organized by bookseller trainees. Thanks to a cooperation with the German Translator’s Union (Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer) another talk and book presentation took place on Friday morning in the Translator’s Lounge (Weltempfang) of the book fair. Iwona Chmielewska and her translator and publisher Adam Jaromir presented their picture book Blumkas Tagebuch. Vom Leben in Janusz Korczaks Waisenhaus (Blumkas Diary. About the life in Janusz Korczak’s orphanage). The AKJ invited members of the Jury of Adult Critics and the Young Adult Jury to a get-together where they had an active discussion about their jury work. |
From the United Kingdom
Chinese illustrators in London
Links between IBBY UK and the Chinese Section of IBBY (CBBY) were firmly established at the London Book Fair at Earls Court in April this year when we co-hosted a seminar featuring both Chinese and UK illustrators. The seminar was the highlight of what became a series of meetings between illustrators from both countries. Two exhibitions featuring the work of the visiting illustrators were held, one of reproductions at the M.P. Birla Gallery, near Earls Court, and the other, of original works, at the British Museum.
The Birla Gallery was the venue for an exhibition of China’s contemporary children’s illustrations and picture books. On the morning of the Book Fair seminar, UK illustrators John Burningham, Michael Foreman and Carol Thompson (a member of the IBBY UK committee) had an opportunity to meet their Chinese counterparts: Jiang Jianwen, Xiong Liang and Liam Peilong, to look at their work and discuss art training and publishing opportunities in each country. The picture book is not an established genre in China and it is only with the exposure to western books in recent years that there has been an increased interest in this art form. Mingzhou Zhang, (Vice-President of CBBY) was instrumental in the organisation of all aspects of this exchange and facilitated these discussions.
The afternoon seminar at the Book Fair was entitled ‘Forum of Children’s Picture Books Art in China and Western Countries’ and attracted a lot of interest with more than 80 people attending. Michael Foreman presented illustrations of drawings made during his travels in China and Asia and showed how some of these drawings became finished art work in his later books. Clive Barnes (Chair of IBBY UK) and John Burningham did a double-act in presenting illustrations from his key works, accompanied by John’s comments. The Chinese illustrators – Jiang Jianwen, Xiong Liang and Liam Peilong – presented their work which often draws on traditional styles and materials, including the technique of painting on rice paper. They all shared an appreciation for British picture books and were enjoying their experience of visiting London.
The final element of the visit took place two days later at the British Museum where Anthony Browne spent two hours with the Chinese illustrators, viewing the main exhibition there and discussing his work and theirs in some detail, as well as being interviewed by a Chinese TV company.
We hope the contacts made during the visit will help to encourage further publication of British picture books in mainland China (many are already published in Taiwan). CBBY is associated with an ambitious project to publish the work of the Hans Christian Andersen Award recipients and nominees in China, including Anthony Browne, Michael Foreman and John Burningham, within the next few years. We hope, too, that it will lead to Chinese illustration for children becoming better known in this country.
Left to right: Xiong Liang, Sue Mansfield, Jiang Jianwen, Clive Barnes, John Burningham, Penni Cotton,
Mingzhou Zhang, Liang Peilong, Michael Foreman and Carol Thompson. © John Dunne
The book of the presentations and workshop papers given at the 18th IBBY UK/NCRCL MA annual conference ‘It Doesn’t Have to Rhyme: Children and Poetry’ will be published in October by Pied Piper Publishing. The book is edited by Bridget Carrington and Jennifer Harding. It contains the presentations given by Morag Styles, Jacqueline Wilson, Michael Rosen, Susan Bassnett and Philip Gross; reports from the publishers on the panel; and workshop papers given by students, academics and others from a wide-variety of sectors.
The winner of the 2011 CLPE Poetry Award was Philip Gross for Off Road to Everywhere, illustrated by Jonathan Gross, Salt Publishing. Philip Gross is a novelist, poet, playwright and broadcaster. He is Professor of Creative Writing at Glamorgan University, Wales. This award is presented annually for a book of poetry published in the preceding year. It is administered by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education.
2011 Costa Children’s Book Award
The prize has been won by Moira Young for Blood Red Road (Marion Lloyd Books). This debut novel by a former chorus girl is a dystopian thriller. Before becoming a writer, she had also been an actress, comedian, opera singer, dancer and teacher. She came to London from her native Canada to perform on the stage. In 2003 she enrolled on a writing for children course.
The Costa Book Awards recognise the most enjoyable books of the last year by writers based in the UK and Ireland. The awards are administered by the Costa Coffee Company.
From Belgium
The jury for novels chose to honour three books and also to give a special mention. The Best Belgian novel has been assigned to Eva Kavian for Premier chagrin (First sorrow), published by Mijade. Very often, we are very touched by Eva Kavian's novels. This time again, the jury has been moved by the story of a woman with cancer who hires a young girl as a baby-sitter for her grand-children. In actual fact, this lady needs to prepare herself to leave this world, and she needs a baby-sitter… a very serious subject, but dealt with tenderness and finesse. Mandela et Nelson (Mandela & Nelson), written by Hermann Schultz and published by L'école des loisirs, has been awarded Best novel for younger readers. In this book, two soccer teams are going to confront one another: on one side, the team of little village in Tanzania, on the other side, the team of young German boys. A culture shock in this novel where Africa is portrayed as resourceful and enthusiastic. We are far from any sordid realism and this humourus story carrys us to a world of tolerance and fraternity. Beate Teresa Hanika's Le cri du petit chaperon rouge (Red Riding Hood's cry), published by Alice Jeunesse has been elected the Best novel award. Here, Red Riding Hood is revisited in a tragic way: every day, a young girl has to bring some food to her grandfather. He abuses her, and no one in the family believes this young girl's story. Her inner cry will finally act out. The jury was deeply moved by this terrible story, told by the young girl. The quality of the writing was very much appreciated because of its restraint, with no bluff or pointless effect.
Eva Kavian. © R. Schmidt and D. Harvengt |
And finally, the jury decided to award a Special mention to a graphic novel by Carl Norac (author) and Stéphane Poulin (illustrator) for their boor Au pays de la mémoire blanche (In the home of the white memory), published by Sarbacane/Amnesty International. This Special mention draws attention to a very unusual work: half novel, half comic book. It took several years for the illustrator to realize almost 150 illustrations with techniques such as oil paint. Carl Norac's text is probably one of his bests, and tells us, in a very dream-like way, about a dictatorship. A very matured work. |
The ceremony was very friendly, and all the rewarded artists could afterwards go and visit the exhibition organized by the section for its 20th birthday. The exhibition presented the Belgian authors and illustrators nominated for the Hans Christian Andersen award and the IBBY Honour list. |
IBBY Congress, London: British Children's Literature in the Twenty-First Century, Bookbird, Vol. 50. Issue 3 The third issue of Bookbird in 2012 brings together readings of contemporary British texts for children to help celebrate the 33rd IBBY Congress, hosted in London by IBBY UK. The feature articles offer studies of race, class, environmentalism, and colonial histories in recently published British children's books. The Children & Their Books columns focus on writing for young people by author Beverly Naidoo; on the Seven Stories collection from one of its librarians, Sarah Lawrence; on children's perspectives on their books, by Fiona Maine; and on being the Children's Laureate, by current Laureate Julia Donaldson. Studies of Donaldson, Jacqueline Wilson, and Mini Grey comprise the Letters, and several reviews of scholarly texts and new books for children, and Focus IBBY round out the issue. |
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Hans Christian Andersen Award Winners and Shortlist. Bookbird, Vol. 50. Issue 4 The final issue of 2012 offers studies of this year’s HCA Award-winning author, María Teresa Andruetto , and illustrator, Peter Sís, and of each of the wonderful artists and writers who comprise the rest of the HCA shortlist: Mohammed Ali Baniasadi, John Burningham, Roger Mello, Javier Zabala, Paul Fleischman, Bart Moeyaert, Jean-Claude Mourlevat and Bianca Pitzorno. The issue also includes columns on SIPAR and Abuelas Cuentacuentos, the organizations that won this year’s IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion awards. Scholarly articles on a graphic novel, “game” books, and children as agents of social justice; a Letter on Chinese environmental author Liu Xianping; reviews of secondary texts and books for children, and Focus IBBY complete the issue. Bookbird can be read on-line through Project Muse. |
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November 2012, March 2013
November | |
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3rd European Encounter on Children's Literature, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, France |
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Montreuil Book Fair, France |
March | |
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Paris Book Fair, France Guests of honour: Romania and the city of Barcelona. For more information:
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Bologna Children's Book Fair, Italy 50th anniversary. Guest of honour: Sweden. For more information:
Clive Barnes (IBBY UK)
Wally De Doncker (IBBY Belgium, Flemish speaking section)
John Dunne (IBBY UK)
Linda Dütsch (IBBY Germany)
Roxanne Harde (Bookbird)
Jennifer Harding (IBBY UK)
Oksana Lushchevska (The Pennsylvania State University, for IBBY Ukraine)
Liz Page (Executive Director of IBBY)
Deborah Soria (IBBY Italy)
Erik Titusson (IBBY Sweden)
Serpil Ural (IBBY Turkey)
Natacha Wallez (IBBY Belgium, French Branch)
To subscribe to the IBBY European Newsletter, please send an e.mail to: subscribe.