IBBY-Yamada 2023: Lebanon

Library for refugees: Jusoor Refugee Educational Center

In recent years, IBBY Lebanon (LBBY) has concentrated its efforts on the creation and renovation of children’s libraries in the context of a dep social and economic crisis, aggravated by the 2019 explosions in Beirut, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the political violence affecting the South of the country. Many of these projects received the support of UNICEF, UNESCO, as well as the IBBY-Yamada and Children in Crisis funds.

In this project, LBBY focused on catering to the needs of undocumented Syrian children refugee in Lebanon, who are facing many hardships ranging from marginalization, alienation, and discrimination. LBBY partnered with an educational centre belonging to the Josoor organization to establish a library full of high-quality books for children different educational levels on a range of subjects ranging from environmental education, emotions, and trauma. The facilities offered shelves, reading, spaces, which can be moved easily in case the centre has to relocate. Besides, the centre’s instructors received specific training programme on the use of libraries and bibliotherapy.

Keywords: Library; Target audience: Syrian children – refugees