Indonesian Section of IBBY
c/o Ms Murti Bunanta
Jl Kalimaya/ Komplek Permata Hijau
Blok A, No. 20
Jakarta 12210
Tel. +62 21 548 3987
Ms Murti Bunanta
Secretary General
Ms Emilia Nazir
(address of the section)
Liaison Officer and Bookbird Correspondent
Ms Ida Farida
(address of section)
Board member Murti Bunanta has been very active for many years in IBBY, both internationally and nationally. An author herself, she has been working throughout Indonesia bringing children and books together. She and her colleagues have been working tirelessly in north Sumatra in the Aceh region bringing relief to the victims of the Tsunami disaster, which struck the Indian Ocean in December 2004. IBBY has been able to sponsor the work done in the region through the IBBY-Tsunami Fund: Education Recovery Project.
Indonesian Section of IBBY hosted the 1st Asia and Oceania regional IBBY Congress in Bali, Indonesia, May 23rd -26th, 2013. This inaugural congress emphasised efforts to strengthen IBBY National Sections in the region, featuring the uniqueness of Asia and Oceania regional stories which can play in the world of children’s literature market and to be used idealistically to educate children about respect, understanding, and tolerance in the global multicultural society. Congress link