Korea, Republic of

Korean Section of IBBY

Korean Board on Books for Young People


Biwon 814 

525 Gonghang-daero


Seoul 07563

Tel. +82 10 5815 6632

Email: kbby1995@naver.com



Facebook: @KoreaKBBY

Instagram: kbby1995



Ms Lee Sungyup
(address of the section)



Mr Kim Namjung
Email: knamjung@hanmail.net


Ms Sung Seung-eun
Email: michsung@hufs.ac.kr


Ms Lim Yeojoo
Email: yeojoolim@gmail.com


Secretary General

Ms Hyeyoung Kwon

Email: kbby1995@naver.com


Bookbird Correspondent

Ms Lim Yeojoo

Email: yeojoolim@gmail.com

The catalog, 2020 Korean Books for Young Readers, presents the Korean nominees of the Hans Christian Andersen Awards, who have made a lasting impact on children’s literature not only at home but also to the world at large. Also included is a collection of the Korean children’s books recommended by the book selection committee of KBBY: Korean nominations for the IBBY Honour List, BIB, Silent Books; recent picture books, chapter books and novels, and non-fiction books.

KBBY(Korean Board on Books for Young People) was founded in 1995 as the Korea national section of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY).

To fulfill IBBY’s mission, KBBY works as a network of professionals from both home and abroad, collecting and sharing information on children’s and juvenile literature. KBBY also works in close partnership with the other national sections of IBBY to contribute to promoting cross-cultural exchange in children’s literature.

KBBY organizes international book exhibitions in collaboration with library networks, in efforts to share with the Korean audience the in- formation on global books generated through the awards and activities of IBBY. Moreover, KBBY is committed to providing information on outstanding Korean children’s and juvenile literature with readers across the world.

A message (in Korean) in honour of the 2020 International Children's Book Day can be read here

The 2020 KBBY Reading Promotion Poster with artwork by Lee Uk-bae, KBBY nominee to the 2020 Hans Christian Andersen Award. 

In February 2020 Korea hosted the 2019 Silent Books Collection in Seoul at the Suncheon Picture Book Library and the Gunpo Culture & Arts Center. Read a report about the exhibitions here.

The 2020 Honour List, including original artwork by Suzy Lee, was exhibited in Seoul and toured Korea. A report and photos from KBBY exhibition can be seen here.