Catalan branch of Spanish IBBY

Catalan Branch of Spanish IBBY
Consell Català del Llibre Infantil i Juvenil – IBBYcat
Mallorca 272-274
08037 Barcelona
Tel. [+34] 934 87 45 25
Twitter: @ibbycat_Consell
YouTube: @ibbycat_Consell
Mr Luis Zendrera
Ms Marta Roig
(address of the section)
IBBYcat is a federation of non-profit organizations that represents and brings together all the sectors of the Catalan language children’s literature. Constituted on 1982, it is a founding member of the Spanish Organization for Children's and Young People's Books (OEPLI) and represents the Catalan-speaking territories in the IBBY. IBBYcat is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Institució de les Lletres Catalanes.
IBBYcat usually carries out its in Catalonia. However, its activity extends to all the territories of the Catalan linguistic domain.
Our objectives are:
- To coordinate the member entities in all matters of common interest and benefit.
- To promote, collect, program and execute projects, initiatives and actions that favor the promotion and diffusion of the literature and the promotion of reading for children and young people.
- To promote reflection, analysis and instruments of knowledge about children's and young people's books through various resources and through the Faristol magazine.
- To energize the cultural environment related to children's and young people's books.
- To offer advice and cooperation to all the entities, people and organs of the Administration, and at the same time to all the professional sectors interested or coincident with the specific purposes mentioned above.
- To assume the Catalan representation at IBBY through the OEPLI.
Main projects
- Atrapallibres and Protagonista Jove Awards: a reading promotion activity that invites children and young people between the ages of 9 and 16 to serve on the jury of literary prizes. They have the largest jury of young readers in Spain - 11,000 in the last edition.
- Laboratories and exhibitions: Materials designed for literary mediation that offer children the possibility to inhabit the world of books and to get to know titles around a theme, character, author.... These are two resources available for rent and reproduction for schools, libraries, schools, fairs and festivals and other interested centers.
- Municipi Lector: a reading motivation program aimed at children and young people that promotes the joint work of the institutions and families of a municipality to get children and adolescents, from home, from school and from the library, to acquire the habit and enjoyment of reading.
- Sant Jordi’s at Hospitals: An initiative that promotes the visit of writers and illustrators to hospital centers, for the feast of Sant Jordi, with the aim of bringing the celebration to hospitalized children and young people. The proposal is an idea of the writer Jordi Sierra i Fabra. IBBYcat has been the organizing entity since its beginnings.
- Faristol magazine: Magazine specialized in children's and young people's books and their mediation. It is published in Catalan, in paper and digital format. 40 pages per issue. 2 issues per year. Weekly reviews on the web.