2010 HCA Winners and Finalists

The Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury of the international Board on Books for Young People (IBBY) announces that David Almond from the United Kingdom is the winner of the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen Author Award and Jutta Bauer from Germany is the winner of the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen Illustrator Award.
The Andersen medals and diplomas will be presented to the winners at the international IBBY congress in Santiago de Compostela, Spain on Saturday, 11 September 2010.
The Award, considered the most prestigious in international children’s literature, is given biennially by the International Board on Books for Young People to a living author and illustrator whose complete works are judged to have made lasting contributions to children's literature.
In awarding the 2010 Hans Christian Andersen Medal for writing to David Almond, the jury has recognized the unique voice of a creator of magic realism for children. Almond captures his young readers' imagination and motivates them to read, think and be critical. His use of language is sophisticated and reaches across the ages.
The 2010 Hans Christian Andersen Medal for illustration recognizes Jutta Bauer as a powerful narrator who blends real life with legend through her pictures. The jury admired her philosophical approach, originality, creativity as well as her ability to communicate with young readers.
David Almond was selected from 28 authors for the award. The four finalists were: Ahmad Reza Ahmadi from Iran, Bartolomeu Campos de Queiros from Brazil, Lennart Hellsing from Sweden and Louis Jensen from Denmark
Jutta Bauer was selected from 27 illustrators nominated. The four finalists were Carll Cneut from Belgium, Etienne Delessert from Switzerland, Svjetlan Junakovic from Croatia and Roger Mello from Brazil.
The other author candidates were Liliana Bodoc (Argentina), Heinz Janisch (Austria), Pierre Coran (Belgium), Brian Doyle (Canada), Liu Xianping (China), Maria Pyliotou (Cyprus), Pavel Šrut (Czech Republic), Hannu Mäkelä (Finland), Jean-Claude Mourlevat (France), Peter Härtling (Germany), Loty Petrovits-Andrutsopulou (Greece), Eoin Colfer (Ireland), Shuntaro Tanikawa (Japan), Alberto Blanco (Mexico), Dashdondog Jamba (Mongolia), Peter van Gestel (Netherlands), Bjørn Sortland (Norway), Ján Uličiansky (Slovak Republic), Tone Pavček (Slovenia), Jordi Sierra i Fabra (Spain), Muzaffer İzgü (Turkey), Evangeline Ledi Barongo (Uganda), and Walter Dean Myers (USA).
The other illustrator candidates were Luis Scafati (Argentina), Linda Wolfsgruber (Austria), Marie-Louise Gay (Canada), Jiří Šalamoun (Czech Republic), Lilian Brøgger (Denmark), Salla Savolainen (Finland), Grégoire Solotareff (France), Diatsenta Parissi (Greece), P. J. Lynch (Ireland), Akiko Hayashi (Japan), Kęstutis Kasparavičius (Lithuania), Fabricio Vanden Broeck (Mexico), Harrie Geelen (Netherlands), Thore Hansen (Norway), Nickolay Popov (Russia), Peter Uchnár (Slovakia), Ančka Gošnik Godec (Slovenia), Xan López Domínguez (Spain), Anna-Clara Tidholm (Sweden), Can Göknil (Turkey), Michael Foreman (United Kingdom) and Eric Carle (USA).
The ten members of the 2010 Jury, led by Jury President Zohreh Ghaeni from Iran, met in Basel, Switzerland on 13 and 14 March 2010. The Jury of children's literature experts comprised Ernest Bond (USA), Karen Coeman (Mexico), Nadia El Kholy (Egypt), María Jesús Gil (Spain), Jan Hansson (Sweden), Annemie Leysen (Belgium), Darja Mazi-Leskovar (Slovenia), Alicia Salvi (Argentina), Helene Schär (Switzerland) and Regina Zilberman (Brazil). Elda Nogueira from Brazil representing IBBY and Liz Page as Jury Secretary attended the meeting ex officio.
Short profile of David Almond.
Short profile of Jutta Bauer.