2025 IBBY Selection of Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities

Category 1 - Accessible Books

Books using different systems and designs can help make reading accessible for everyone. These may include braille, sign language, large print, non-verbal communication systems or tactile formats. It can also include easy-to-read books with simplified age-appropriate concepts and shorter texts that are specifically written for young people with intellectual, developmental, neurodivergent or learning disabilities.


1 · Rasa’el Fi Zaman Mukhtalif
[Messages in different times]
Al Najjar, Nadia and Al Khoury, Noura (text); Al Hoseny, Asmaa (ill)
Dubai, UAE: Al Hudhud Publishing House, 2022
ISBN 978-9948-467-64-9; (braille:978-9948-792-13-0)

2 · Rukavichka: russkaya narodnaya skazka
[The mitten: Russian folktale]
Barshay, Sergey and Zhukova, Ekaterina (creators) Charushin, Yevgeny (original text)
Krasnoyarsk, Russia: Krasnoyarsk Regional Special Library, 2022

3 · Perros increíbles
[Incredible dogs]
Creixell Moya, Mariajose (text) Fuenzalida, Catalina (ill)
Santiago, Chile: Editorial Azafrán, 2024
ISBN 978-956-6148-30-2

4 · Shchastia – tse Lysychka
[Happiness is a fox]
Datsyute, Evelina (text) Baida, Anna (ill)
Lviv, Ukraine: Ukrainian Union of People with Disabilities, 2022
ISBN 978-617-614-280-5

5 · Mangerei volentieri un bambino
[I’d really like to eat a child]
Donnio, Sylviane (original text) Rocca, Federica (trans) Crivelli, Enza and Bandirali, Sante (WLS symbols) De Monfreid, Dorothée (ill)
Crema, Italy: Officina Babùk, 2023
ISBN 979-12-81495-02-9

6 · Il girasole
[The sunflower]
Lungo, Valentina and Delmastro, Enrico (text and ill)
Verscio, Switzerland; Milan, Italy: DieciOcchi, 2022


7 · Col·lecció: Ple de signes: Primeres paraules, Accions, Colors, Família, Aliments, Animals, Espais, Transports (8 vol) [Collection: Full of signs: First words, Actions, Colors, Family, Food, Places, Animals, Transports (8 vol)]
Molina, Raquel and Molina, Sara (text) Ribes, Txell (ill)
Barcelona, Spain:M.A. Salvatella SA, 2023
ISBN 978-84-19565-45-7

8 · Khaleh mibafe man mipoosham
[Auntie knits, I wear]
Namin, Sevda Azado (creator)
Ardabil, Iran: Sevda Azadi Namin, 2024


9 · Mala explore
[Mala explores]
Négrerie, Solène (text and ill)
Talant, France: Les Doigts qui Rêvent, 2023
ISBN 978-2-36593-150-2


10 · Planeta Q. Un lugar donde vivir
[Planet Q. A place to live]
Peix, Susana (text) Montañá, Marta (ill)
Ponte Caldelas, Spain:Edicións do Cumio, 2022
ISBN 978-84-8289-558-1

11 · Dwarrelbos
[Flutter forest]
Pelt, Colette (concept)Westera, Bette et al (text) Noten, Kelly (photos) Versteegh, Chrétien (ill)
Terheijden, Netherlands: PrentenboekenPlus, 2023
ISBN 978-94-926-52-218

12 · Pupu ei nuku
[Bunny is not sleeping]
Valtakorpi, Maaria (text) Airola, Sari (ill)
Helsinki, Finland: Puheterapeuttien Kustannus Oy, 2022
ISBN 978-952-67656-3-1


13 · Try Skhodynky Holodomoru (vol.1;2)
[Three steps of the Holodomor], Zarzhytska, Elina (text) Laichuk, Daryna and Havrylenko, Nadiia, et al (ill), Budapest, Hungary: Foundation of Ukrainian Books in Hungary, 2023
ISBN 978-615-01-9300-7

14 · Long de Tu Shu Guan
[The dragon’s library]
Zhao Murong and Sun Zhongyan (text) Su Gezi (ill) Sun Bei (ed)
Beijing, China: China Braille Press, 2022
ISBN 978-7-5224-1210-8

from no.38 · SuperVid. Epizoda 1, Past v razredu

Category 2 - Portrayals of Disability

This section includes picture books, fiction, and nonfiction titles that depict people who are d/Deaf or have disabilities. These subjects do not include physical health issues, such as common childhood illnesses and injuries, unless they lead to chronic disability. Mental health issues such as OCD or schizophrenia may be included.


15 · He Says the Nicest Thing
Armand, Avianti (text) Putri, Gratiani (ill)
Jakarta,Indonesia: Kesaint Blanc, 2023
ISBN 978-602-477-286-4


16 · Lehatha Rayan yamshe hakatha
[Why Rayan walks this way]
Ashour, Yahya (text) Qawariq, Abdullah (ill)
Ramallah, Palestine: Tamer Institute for Community Education, 2021
ISBN 978-9950-27-041-1

17 · Simon Sort of Says
Bow, Erin (text)
Toronto, Canada:Scholastic Canada Ltd., 2023
ISBN: 978-1-4431-9313-9

18 · Hoor je mij?
[Can you hear me?]
Cazemier, Caja and Letterie, Martine (text) Halfmouw, Saskia (ill)
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Uitgeverij Ploegsma, 2022
ISBN 978-90-216-8342-3

19 · Alguien como tú
[Someone like you]
Docherty, Helen (text)
Roberts, David (ill)
Santiago, Chile: Editorial Zig-Zag, 2023
ISBN 978-956-12-3725-4

20 · Dokusho bariafuri: Mitsukeyou! Jibun ni atta dokusho no katachi
[Barrier-free Reading!The best way for you to read]
Dokushokobo (edit and ill)
Tokyo, Japan: Kokudosha, 2023
ISBN 978-4-337-28950-5

21 · Petit Tom et le dessin magique
[Little Tom and the magical drawing]
Duquennoy, Jacques (text and ill)
Montrouge, France: Mini BD kids (Bayard editions), 2022
ISBN 979-10-363-4545-6    

22 · Boku ra niwa boku ra no kotoba ga aru (manga)
[We have our own words (manga)]
EIRI (text and ill)
Tokyo, Japan: Kadokawa, 2022
ISBN 978-4-04-605800-3

23 · Tuwing Linggo: Isang Kuwento Tungkol sa Pag-aaral ng Sign Language
[Every Sunday: A story on learning sign language]
Gonzales, Och (text) Reynaldo, CJ (ill), Quezon City, Philippines: Kahel Press (St. Matthew's Publishing Corporation), 2020
ISBN 978-971-625-444-0

24 · Zong You Hao Ban Fa: Wu Xian Ren Sheng
[Always Good Ways Series: Stephen Hawking's Infinite Life]
Hong Ma Books Studio (text and ill)
Beijing, China: China Children's Press & Publication Group Co., Ltd., 2023
ISBN 978-7-5148-8283-4

25 · Min hjerne er en snekugle
[My brain is a snow globe]
Juul,Trine (text) Karrebæk, Dorte (ill), Frederiksberg, Denmark: Billedroman (Dansklærerforeningens Forlag), 2023
ISBN 978-87-7211-326-5

26 · Geurol ttaega isseo
[It all happens, sometimes]
Kim Jun-young (text and ill)
Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea: Kookminbooks Co., Ltd., 2020
ISBN 978-89-11-12815-0

27 · Shit Bag
Knox, Xena (text) Shagrai, Sina (ill)
London, UK: Hodder Children’s Books (Hachette Children’s Group), 2023
ISBN 978-1-44497-205-4

28 · Oi katàskopoi tis Geografias – To messeonikò kàstro kai oi Gigantes tou Ouranoù
[The spies of geography – The medieval castle and the giants of the sky], Kontoleon, Anna (text) Kalogeri, Lila (ill), Athens, Greece: Dioptra Publishing, 2024
ISBN 978-618-220-536-5

29 · Hummingbird
Lloyd, Natalie (text)
New York, NY, USA: Scholastic Press, 2022
ISBN 978-1-338-65458-5


30 · Invisibly Grace
McDougall, Avery (text)
Hobart, TAS, Australia: Forty South Publishing, 2022
ISBN 978-0-6452928-8-6

31 ·More than Words: So Many Ways to Say What We Mean
Maclean, Roz (text and ill)
New York, NY, USA: Henry Holt and Co. (Macmillan Publishing Group), 2023
ISBN 978-1-250-86450-5

32 · Air
Roe, Monica (text)
New York, NY, USA: Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group. 2022
ISBN 978-0-374-38865-2

33 · Chris : Le boulevard; Au carrefour; Les avenues
[Chris: The Boulevard; At the Crossroads; The Avenues]
Sénéchal, Jean-François (text)
Montréal, QC, Canada:Leméac Éditeur, 2023
ISBN 978-2-7609-4263-9

34 · Waking Ben Doldrums
Smith, Heather (text) Eggenschwiler, Byron (ill)
Victoria, B.C. Canada: Orca Book Publishers, 2023
ISBN 978-1-4598-3391-3


35 · Malou Hibiscus Flamant
[Malou Hibiscus Flamingo] 
Tamisier, Sabine (text)
Montreuil, France: Éditions Théâtrales, 2022
ISBN 978-2-84260-879-8

36 · Ik ben autastisch!
[I Am Autastic!]
Toeps, Bianca and Walraven, Esther (text) Roozeboos (ill)
Utrecht, Netherlands: Blossom Books, 2021
ISBN 978-94-63-49207-2


37 · Vanliga människor: Autistens guide till galaxen
[Ordinary people: The autist’s guide to the galaxy]
Törnvall, Clara (text) Furmark, Anneli (ill)
Stockholm, Sweden: Natur & Kultur, 2023
ISBN 978-91-27-18186-1

38 · SuperVid. Epizoda 1, Past v razredu
[Super Vid. Episode 1, School class mystery]
Valetič, Žiga (text)Vukotič, Jaka (ill), Dob pri Domžalah, Slovenia: MIŠ Publishing, 2022
ISBN 978-961-272-547-1

39 · Stars in their Eyes  
Walton, Jessica (text) Aśka (ill)
Fremantle, WA, Australia: Fremantle Press, 2021
ISBN 978-1760-99071-8


40 · I Am, You Are
Whaley, Ashley Harris (text) Rao-Middleton, Ananya and Wood, Hannah (ill)
London, UK: Ladybird Books (Penguin Random House), 2023
ISBN 978-0-241-57311-2

From no. 19 Alguien cómo tú

From no.37 · Vanliga människor:
Autistens guide till galaxen