Galician branch of Spanish IBBY

Galician Branch of Spanish IBBY
Asociación Galega do Libro Infantil e Xuvenil-GÁLIX
Centro de Emprendemento Creativo de Galicia
Cidade da Cultura de Galicia
Monte Gaiàs, sn
15707 Santiago de Compostela
(A Coruña)
Tel./Fax [+34] 698 169 548
Facebook: @GALIX.LIX
Instagram: somosgalix
Twitter: @GALIX_
Mr David Cortizo
(address of the section)
Liaison officer
Ms Mercedes Pacheco Vázquez
(address of the section)
GÁLIX is the Galician Association for Children’s and Young Adults’ Books. We are a non-profit association founded in 1989 with the aim of giving visibility and promoting the Galician culture and language through children’s and young adults’ literature.
All agents of the book world are involved in GÁLIX: writers, translators, designers, illustrators, publishers, researches, critics, librarians and bookshops. GÁLIX performs many activities such as advocacy initiatives, advisory services either to entities or to individuals, as well as management in sectors inside and outside of Galicia and representation in state and international organisations.
GÁLIX is the Galician section of the Spanish Organisation for Children´s and Young Adults´ Books (OEPLI in its Spanish form).
Main projects
- GÁLIX supports the Galician Library of Children's Books: In the blog you can find the news that we receive from the different publishing houses.
- Bibliographic recommendations: we talk about the new literary works and recommended books.
- Honorary Member: GÁLIX chooses and organises the acts to laud for honorary members.
- Own events: we organise events to promote Galician Children's Literature.
- Pontevedra Book Fair: we collaborate in several activities..
- Bologna Children Books Fair: we prepare a catalogue of the books displayed on the Galliaican stand at the fair.
- GÁLIX channels the particippation of Galician children's book proteganists in the iniciatives of IBBY.