
Bolivian Section of IBBY

Edificio Constanza 649

Calle Paccieri 649 entre calles Lanza y Antezana 


Tel. [+591] 4 472 11 16


Facebook: @LibraryThuruchapitas



Ms Evelin Paniagua Cardoso

(address of the section)



Ms Rosa Irene Lara

(address of the section)




The presence of José Manuel Rojas and Ramón Camargo at the 14th IBBY World Congress in Rio de Janeiro in 1974 led to the creation of IBBY Bolivia. The Section was officially accepted as a member and established in Potosí in 1975. The first president was the writer Hugo Molina Viaña, who led IBBY Bolivia successfully for many years. But times became hard and IBBY Bolivia could no longer afford to pay its fees that are required for membership to International IBBY. 

However, a year later the Workshop on Pedagogical Experiences and what was to be later the Thuruchapitas Library contacted IBBY International and the section was once again accepted and restarted in 1985 with this support. The foundation of the Thuruchapitas Library was registered and began to work in 1991 and by 2003 it became a legal entity.

Since its establishment IBBY Bolivian has nominated six writers for the IBBY Honor List:
Mallko by Gastón Suárez / 1976
Vincunela by Hugo Molina Viaña / 1978
El Duende y la Marioneta (The ghost and the doll) by Hugo Molina Viaña / 1982
Detros de los suenos (Behind the dreams) by Gaby Vallejo Canedo / 1988
La abuela Grillo (Grandmother Grillo) by Liliana de la Quintana / 2004
Trapizonda (Clapboard) by Isabel Mesa / 2008
La increíble tía Dorita (The incredible Aunt Dorita) by Rosario Moyano / 2014
Un exquisite huevo astrónomicamente frito (An exquisite astronomically fried egg) by Carlos Vera Vargas / 2016

IBBY Bolivia has published articles in the IBBY journal Bookbird about children's and youth literature from Bolivia and has also submitted reviews of children's books. IBBY Bolivia has been represented at numerous IBBY International Congresses, as well as at the meetings of the Latin American sections. The Section has also organized the VII IBBY Bolivia Congress and the IV Reading Meeting.The projects "Books where there are no books" "Books in the Squares" and "Family Readers" have been supported by the IBBY-Yamada Fund.

The Thuruchapitas Library has been nominated several times by IBBY Peru, IBBY Ecuador and IBBY Chile for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award in the category of reading promoters. In 2015 the Thuruchapitas Library of the IBBY-Bolivia received two national awards: A Plaque of Recognition for the 25 years working with books and children and the "Coronilla Heroines” medal from the Municipal Government of Cochabamba.

Main projects

IBBY Bolivia has implemented many projects with the Thuruchapitas Library. The main ones are: Books Round, Reading Baskets, Books in the Squares, Storytelling Festivals, Creative Writing Workshops El duende de las cuentos, To not be alone (programme with children of prisoners), "Sister Libraries”, National and International Congresses of the region, Children's Reading and Literature, City and Literature, Roundtable Readers, Recovery Of the Oral Memory of the Peoples, Reader Families, Conquering Readers, as well as their permanent presence in book fairs, workshops for teachers, help  in the implementation of small libraries, publications of materials for teachers and children books.

The Sister Libraries Project was the recipient of the 2003 IBBY-Asahi Reading Promotion Award. This reading and writing programme was sponsored by the Pedagogical Experiences Workshop in cooperation with IBBY Bolivia and the Library Science Programme of Appalachian State University in the USA. The programme attracts 800 children each year, providing a library and special book events run by volunteer teachers who engage children in reading and writing. The children come from some of the city's poorest neighbourhoods; many are children of prisoners or of women who sell in the open markets of Cochabamba. The programme has been operating since 1980 and hopes to train more volunteers and to establish a permanent locale for its library.  Read more at: IBBY Asahi Winner 2003.

News & events

December 2023 Boletin 85-86/ January 2021 Boletin 82/ July 2020 Boletin 81/  December 2018 Boletin 78 / July 2018 Boletin 77 / December 2017 Boletin 76 /  July 2017 Boletin 75 / December 2016 Boletin 74 / July 2016 Boletín 73 / July 2015 Boletín 71