
Haitian Section of IBBY

c/o Editions CUC Universite Caraibe

Delmas 29 #7


Tel. +509 249 6941

Email: editions@universitecaraibe.com


Liaison Officers

Ms Jocelyne Trouillot

Email: jotrouillot@yahoo.com


Ms Frantzou Calixte

(address of the section)



IBBY Haiti was established in 2007 and is based in Port-au-Prince.

Since 2009 IBBY Haiti has been working with children and their families using bibliotherapy and the healing power of storytelling and reading to help them recover from the trauma experienced during the devastating earthquake. IBBY launched a worldwide appeal in 2010 and has sent funds to support the section and its programme. There is still much to do.

Children in Crisis 2010: Rebuilding a reading culture
Children in Crisis 2009: The healing power of storytelling and books