Russian Section of IBBY
Board on Books for Young People of Russia (RBBY)
c/o Association of cultural workers, artists and educators for children’s reading
“Raising Readers”
1 Kaluzhskaya Square
119049 Moscow
Tel. +7 499 230 00 93 / 206
Ms Angela Lebedeva
(address of the section in Moscow)
Executive Director
Ms Liudmila Chizhova
(address of the section in Moscow)
Liaison Officer
Ms Anastasia Moiseyeva
(address of the section in Moscow)
Russian Section of IBBY - St. Petersburg Branch
St Petersburg Branch of RBBY
c/o Central Children’s Library by the name of A. Pushkin
33, Bolshaya Morskaya
190 000 St Petersburg
Tel. +7 812 315 7514
Liaison Officer for the St Petersburg’s Branch
Ms Polina Toropchina
(address of the section in San Petersburg)
Bookbird Correspondent
Ms Angela Lebedeva
IBBY Russia will be the host of the 37 IBBY Congress in 2020 to be held in Moscow on 10-12 September 2021, with the theme Great big world through children's books:

The history of the Russian Board goes as far back as the 1960s when we realized that it was imperative for us to join IBBY. Without this important step Russian books for young people would have stood no chance in becoming part of the 20th century world literary heritage. Read more
The Russian Section of IBBY has two Branches: Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The St Petersburg Branch of the Russian IBBY was founded in 1998 on the initiative of IBBY. The numerous cultural activities of the Branch are centred at the Pushkin Children’s Library of the city of St. Petersburg, (department of Cultural Programs) and are an integral part of the Library’s working plans.
The cultural activities of the Branch embrace many areas of the city’s cultural life and in particular the St Petersburg Branch of Russian IBBY:
- brings to life international projects, developed by IBBY and the National section of IBBY; at the same time it pursues its own projects.
- acts as a centre of unification for authors, illustrators, translators and all other people who take active part in the city’s book culture. It extensively collaborates with the sections of Children’s and Young Adults’ Literature of St. Petersburg Writers Union; with the section of Graphic Art of St. Petersburg Artists Union; with the Chair for Children’s Literature of the State University of Arts and Culture; it also maintains a active cooperation with St. Petersburg Association of Children’s and Teachers’ Press, various St. Petersburg publishing companies, and local libraries for children and adults.
- prepares presentations of authors, illustrators and translators for the IBBY Honour List.
- selects works by St. Petersburg artists for the biennale of children’s books illustrations held in Bratislava, - BIB.
- celebrates International Children’s Book Day in St. Petersburg.
- collects information on St. Petersburg authors, illustrators, translators of children’s books, maintains an electronic data base “The World of St. Petersburg Children’s Books”.
- searches for the most popular books for children, published both in Russia and abroad, and arranges them in various collections, which are used in numerous exhibitions, organized by the Branch.
- presents best titles of the world children’s literature at the local annual book fair “St. Petersburg Book Forum”.
- collects Russian and foreign studies in the field of the children’s literature and children’s reading practices; develops its own studies in this area, and brings into life its own projects, targeted at developing reading skills in younger children.
- organizes local, nationwide and international conferences, seminars, round table discussions, oriented on discussing the most important issues of children’s literature and problems of developing children’s reading skills, including the annual “November Readings”, and “Literary Achievements of the Year”.
IBBY Russia was sponsor of the 2017 International Children's Book Day IBCD 2017 and will be the host of the IBBY Congress in 2020 to be held in Moscow on 10-12 September 2021, with the theme Great big world through children's